
All posts by Daniel Tanque

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    By Daniel Tanque26 de Outubro, 2023

    Docker – Dockerfile

    Docker is a popular platform for developing, packaging, and deploying applications inside lightweight, self-contained containers. These containers are similar to virtual machines

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    By Daniel Tanque26 de Outubro, 2023

    Docker – Interoperability

    Docker is a popular platform for developing, packaging, and deploying applications inside lightweight, self-contained containers. These containers are similar to virtual machines

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    By Daniel Tanque25 de Outubro, 2023

    Docker Basic Commands

    Docker is a popular platform for developing, packaging, and deploying applications inside lightweight, self-contained containers. These containers are similar to virtual machines

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    By Daniel Tanque23 de Outubro, 2023

    Clean Code – Intention Revealing Names

    One of the fundamentals of writing clean code is to use a proper naming when it comes to declare variables or methods.

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    By Daniel Tanque22 de Outubro, 2023

    Jenkinsfile and Pipelines

    A continuous delivery pipeline is an automated framework that visualizes the process of obtaining software from version control. Consequently, any modification to

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    By Daniel Tanque22 de Outubro, 2023

    Jenkins Basics

    Jenkins is an open-source automation server that is widely used in the field of software development for continuous integration and continuous delivery

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    By Daniel Tanque20 de Outubro, 2023

    CI/CD Basics

    CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment/Continuous Delivery. It is a set of practices, principles, and tools used in software development

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    By Daniel Tanque20 de Outubro, 2023

    Git Remote

    Once you have the development done, you know how to use the branches and develop each feature there comes the moment in

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    By Daniel Tanque19 de Outubro, 2023

    Git Branches

    In Git, branches are a way to work on different versions of a project simultaneously. They allow you to isolate different lines

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    By Daniel Tanque18 de Outubro, 2023

    Intro to Git

    GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaborative software development. It provides a platform for developers to host and manage