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By Daniel Tanque20 de Outubro, 2023In DevOpsJenkinsLearning

CI/CD Basics

CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment/Continuous Delivery. It is a set of practices, principles, and tools used in software development and DevOps to automate and streamline the process of building, testing, and deploying software applications. CI/CD aims to improve the efficiency, reliability, and speed of delivering software updates and changes.

In this article you learn more about each part and grasp a bit about Jenkins.

Continuous Integration

When building and operating application you want to ensure that it keeps operating in a smooth way, that regular integration keeps getting done and it doesn’t lead to crashing the app on production, neither getting it vulnerable to attacks.

In that way you can design pipelines that automate several parts of your before handling the code to production. So in overall what the CI focus on is at packaging the code, testing it and security checking it.

Includes automatically building and testing code whenever changes are pushed to the repository. The primary goal of CI is to identify integration issues, bugs, and conflicts early in the development process, reducing the time and effort required to resolve them.

Continuous Deployment/Delivery

You want to build solutions that keep on scaling and that interact properly with the already existing code base.

For this there are tools that not only integrate but also send to a specific type of machine, like VM, container, on premise server, and so on.

The most commonly used tool is Jenkins. This enables you to keep on a loop of constant integration, validation, deployment, in incremental ways.


Jenkins is an open source routine/task automation tool, it’s an automation server, and does all we’ve mention before.


Here you’ve learn the key basic concepts of CICD, you avoid running manual tasks and automate all the development so the organization each developer can implement features, validate execution on production and once all clear it’s ready to pass to another task. How to setup Jenkins is what we will see in next articles.

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